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     Right now I have my newest 2021 Healthy Posture Workout Intermediate corrective teaching available to you in two different ways:
1. Digital Download to your computer or device
2. DVD

     I also have made my older videos available to you. Each video has a variety of different movements as I have modified my routines throughout the years. One is not better than the other, just different. If your looking for some new moves or want to switch things up from one video, you can download another video from another year to have some variations.

If you are in any kind of pain, eg: Back, Knee, Hip, Neck, and Ankle or want to prevent injury, the solution is simple. Follow my routine designed to heal your entire body every day and breath deep into the oxygen therapy in each exercise.

DVD - Healthy Posture Intermediate Workout

The goal is to do this routine everyday and reach further into your stretches. This workout strengthens the Ankles, Knees, Hips, Back, and Shoulders. If you have any of these joint pains, this DVD will help you get out of pain and live pain free from now on!
